"Hidden in a dark corner of space, spins a mystical crystalline planet sparkling more brilliantly that the light of a thousand bursting stars."

The Legend

What is Gemja? An ancient text recounts a fantastical story of the origin of the universe as a single crystalline superplanet called Gemja. On this paradise, glowing crystals dominated nature. They hung from tree branches and spouted into the tallest mountains. They sparkled brilliantly under the light of multiple suns, which cast magical rainbows across the land. The species lived here in harmony for billions of years until a darkness infiltrated the lighted world and tainted the hearts of the weak. This dark entity known as Matchewa enticed them to steal the stones and stoked division between the people. As fear swept the land, the species separated into clans, and wars erupted over ownership of the stones. Kryolite, the keeper of the planet, had no choice but to intervene before all fell to the darkenss. It shattered Gemja into twenty-six smaller planets, each home to one clan, and cast them into the farthest corners of space, destined to lives apart from the others. It believed that the only way to ensure peace was through separation. But Kryolite had planted seeds of hope on each new homeland: a lone crystal from its glorious haven and a ritual that could one day reunite the once harmonious world if ever a day arose when all species were willing to donate their stones for the good of all.
A small passage for the Ritual of Unification is shown below,. The identity of the Keystone is yet to be determined.
“Having come in peace, with good intentions, a group composed of one chosen representative from each species shall form a perfect circle exactly twenty-six feet in radius from the keystone, where all shall simultaneously activate their stones. The energies produced will be drawn into the keystone, wherein these energies shall be concentrated—so much so that space itself will tear, exposing a safe passageway to Gemja…”